Tag Archives: seaside


Finish line at of the South Downs ride

Finish line at of the South Downs ride

I have been meaning to post here for some time about my training progress, but for someone reason I just haven’t had a chance.  So before I knew it the big day had arrived. Thankfully all the training paid off, I had a brilliant day. The British Heart Foundation did a fantastic job organising the event, the weather was perfect not too hot and overcast for most of the ride and beautiful sunshine by the beach at the finish line.  Hopefully I will return next year.  

South Downs Ride 2013 from Paul Newbery on Vimeo.

Too busy to write

Sandgate Beach

I set up this blog to stay focused on my training, well there have been no new blogs for a while. Have lost my way? No, not a bit of it just been too damned busy to write. I am still doing several rides a week and doing a hard gym session once a week.
A trip to the seaside was also crammed in since the last blog, spot the crafty picture of the beach in Sandgate 😉 , the video below proves I got out on bike, why do my videos always look so boring..